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Meaning for Contact Centers

Generative AI + human warmth = empowered agents, exceptional customer service, and unparalleled CSAT.

Transform Your Challenges into Opportunities

Improve Service Quality - Icon

Improve Service Quality

Maximize agent discernibility and fluency,  streamlining conversation and improving call outcomes

Enhance Agent Performance - Icon

Enhance Agent Performance

Harmonize speech, reduce caller misunderstandings, and enhance call quality

Decrease Operational Cost - Icon

Decrease Operational Costs

Arm your global workforce with the tools they need to succeed, reduce time to resolution, and create new opportunities

Drive Sustainable Growth - Icon

Build Trust and Empathy

Preserve the human touch, enabling agents to build stronger connections and win trust

Make Real Impact

Improve your business metrics by enhancing efficiency, boosting customer satisfaction, and driving measurable growth across all conversational touchpoints.

arrow-down-solid 23%
Average Handle Time
arrow-up-solid 27%
Conversational Fluency
arrow-up-solid 25%
Customer Satisfaction

See What Our Customers Say

DeepTech Group is very excited about the possibilities that our Advisory partnership with Meaning brings to our Network. With our AI vetting and deep go-to-market expertise in the customer services markets, we see Meaning as a disruptive technology and a game changer for those companies that offshore support and serve customers and build trust locally. This means the world is a bit smaller.

Meaning's ability to dynamically transform an agent's voice to match the voice of the customer is game changing. Not only does it impact average handle time, conversion rates, and unnecessary customer escalations, the improvements in conversational fluency also dramatically improve overall customer satisfaction.

Using Meaning’s professional voice avatars improved the conversation experience for our customers, making the agents easily understood, reducing the average time to complete a sales call, and improving efficiency.

Key Features

Real-time Voice Harmonization
Noise Cancellation
Conversational Fluency
Dialog Coaching

Real-time Voice Harmonization

Streamline conversations by meeting agents and customers where they are to improve the customer experience


Noise Cancellation

Remove unwanted background noises and distractions to improve call quality and reduce handle time


Conversational Fluency

Ensure  agents and customers understand each other creating an environment for productive conversations


Dialog Coaching

Post-conversation feedback motivates your agents to learn and improve, leading to better outcomes


Reimagine Communication

Ready to see how Meaning can transform real-time communications, streamline conversations, and provide exceptional user experiences user conversational experiences? Try Meaning today.